
Cluster Command Cheat Sheet

sendToCluster filename

Sends the provided file to each node in the cluster.

setNodeNumber number

Sets the number of cluster nodes to use. Must be an integer from 1 to 5.

runOnCluster file

Sends the given file to each node in the cluster, then runs the program with the set number of active nodes, displays the output and records the amount of time required for execution and puts the output into a log file for later use.

mpirun.openmpi -np NUMPROCESS -machinefile IPfile python file

This command is the manual way to execute a MPI Python file. It take in a number of processes, a machine file and the files to be executed. The machine files is the list of nodes on the system.

The following are functions in MPI.COMM_WORLD:


Command to send data to destination dest. Tag is optional but allows for labeling processes.


Command to receive data from a source. Tag is optional but allows for labeling processes.


Similar to recv this command receives information from source allowing configuration for recv command.


Gets rank information from object MPI.COMM_WORLD which each process contains.


Gets size information from object MPI.COMM_WORLD which is the total number of processes running.